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Linux shutdown: commands for shutting down and restarting Linux - IONOS.Best Solutions to Fix Windows 10 not Shutting Down Issue


This involves cutting the power to the main components of the system using a controlled process. Applications are closed, active processes and protocols are saved to the hard drive, device drivers are removed, and user settings are saved in the process. Linux operating systems can easily be stopped, shut down, and restarted using the shutdown command and its various options. You can add an option to it followed by a time specification and a message.

The syntax of the Linux shutdown command is as follows:. Linux will shut down in under a minute. You can usually produce the same results by just entering the shutdown command on its own.

Linux will immediately be shut down. The following is another far more common command for shutting down Linux immediately:. Linux will immediately be restarted. The following is a frequently used command for restarting Linux immediately:. The standard Linux shutdown command with the one-minute time delay is especially useful for multi-user solutions i.

In this situation, the network administrator is able to set up a warning message as a wall message to inform users that the system will be shut down or restarted shortly. If Linux is only being used on a single computer , the commands for immediately shutting down or immediately restarting Linux are usually just as simple.

You can only use shutdown commands on Linux if you have the necessary administrator rights. You can also easily schedule Linux shutdowns or restarts to occur after a certain period of time or at a certain time. To do this, you have to add the number of minutes or the time after the corresponding Linux shutdown command, as shown in the examples below:. Linux will shut down 20 minutes after the command is entered. The following command is sometimes more commonly used and produces the same result:.

Linux will restart 20 minutes after the command is entered. You can also use the plus sign with this command. Time specification is based on the hour format in Linux in accordance with the syntax hh:mm.

In this example, Linux is shut down at p. Linux will restart at p. In addition to the previously mentioned Linux shutdown commands, there are a number of other commands and options for stopping, shutting down, and restarting Linux operating systems. These can generally also be combined with commands for scheduled Linux shutdowns. When you stop it, all the processors CPUs are stopped, but when you turn it off, it is also cut off from the main power supply.

This command explicitly indicates that the system will be shut down and the main power supply will be cut off. A wall message is information that is displayed on the screen of the operating system users. For example, an administrator can use a wall message to inform users that the system is being shut down. Using this command, you can cancel a scheduled shutdown or restart. This requires that the process has not yet started.

Using simple commands in the Linux terminal, you can stop, shut down, and restart your operating system. As an alternative to entering Linux shutdown commands directly, you can install a graphical user interface using software, such as the program shutdown which is especially suited to the Linux distribution Ubuntu. Under Linux, all actions that you can carry out with the mouse and window system via the graphical user interface can also be performed using program calls in the terminal — provided you know the appropriate command and how to use it according to the correct syntax.

To make working in the terminal easier, we provide you with an overview of basic Linux commands with detailed descriptions and Sometimes you may need to delete an entire folder rather than just individual files. If you want to remove a Linux directory, there are several ways to do it. Here are a few basic solutions that use either File Manager or Terminal. Keep reading to find out how to remove single files, multiple files, files of a certain type, or entire folders.

The Linux ln command creates links in the Linux command line. Only a little code is required to create hard and soft links in the command line. Just keep in mind what types of links are right for your purposes. Keep reading to learn about hard and soft links and see various Linux ln examples. Like any operating system, Linux protects all user accounts with a password.

You can change your Linux password if required to always keep your account secure. Learn how you or other users can get a new password in just a few steps, and how to make a user change their Linux password the next time they log in. Special WordPress blog themes let you create interesting and visually stunning online logs You can turn off comments for individual pages or posts or for your entire website.

Keep reading to find out how Our WordPress guide will guide you step-by-step through the website making process Why wait? Grab your favorite domain name today! Matching email. SSL certificate. Save now. There is at least one alternative for each command listed here that produces the same result. Standard command for shutting down Linux. Standard command for restarting Linux. Linux will be restarted in under a minute. Command for shutting down Linux immediately.

Command for restarting Linux immediately. Scheduling Linux shutdowns or restarts You can also easily schedule Linux shutdowns or restarts to occur after a certain period of time or at a certain time.

Command for shutting down Linux after 20 minutes. Command for restarting Linux after 20 minutes. Command for shutting down Linux at p. Command for restarting Linux at p. Linux shutdown — additional commands In addition to the previously mentioned Linux shutdown commands, there are a number of other commands and options for stopping, shutting down, and restarting Linux operating systems.

Command for powering off Linux. Command for setting up a wall message. Command for canceling scheduled shutdowns or restarts. View packages. Popular Articles WordPress blog themes Special WordPress blog themes let you create interesting and visually stunning online logs Instructions for disabling WordPress comments You can turn off comments for individual pages or posts or for your entire website. Enter the web address of your choice in the search bar to check its availability.


Windows 10 not shutting down but restarting free.Linux shutdown: commands for shutting down and restarting Linux


Also, you mentioned that you encounter the same results in a new local user. Hence, advanced troubleshooting will be needed to secure the necessary methods to be performed on the computer. Therefore, we suggest that you contact our Microsoft Support for this manner implemented on your device.

Here's the link to contact them. If you need more advice from us, you can get back to us by replying to this thread or create a new thread using this link if you have a different concern. Thanks for the update, Matto.

At this point, we highly suggest that you contact our Microsoft Support to diagnose the concern accurately. This way, they can also diagnose the device OS and its performance. Dedicated tools will be run on your computer to solve the exact matter on your Outlook application.

Here's the link to get in touch with them. Note: The waiting time will possibly change depending on their volume. To notify us and have us get back to you, simply reply to this post. He screwed up my PC changed startup process - and did not reverse that, amongst other things and Outlook big time removed couple of Registry entries, profile entries, etc, with the result, that iCloud for Windows malfunctioned and most of my mailaccounts as well If u exit Outlook a second time during the same session while it syncs, it will hang Thank you for that information.

At this point, we are coordinating with our Internal Support Team to get this addressed as soon as possible. Could you please provide us the Service Request number that was given to you via private message?

To get into your inbox, click your profile name on this thread and select View private messages. This way, we can further investigate the issue and provide you accurate recommendations to solve this matter. The only way I can get into outlook is to shut down and restart my computer. This lets me get back on outlook after a delay. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community.

Search the community and support articles Outlook Outlook. When this happens Outlook cannot be started, simply nothing happens Ending the task through taskmanager or restarting the machine will solve the problem.

Anyone came accross the same issue, as it is pretty annoying? Thanks in advance! I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply?

Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to Palcouk's post on October 25, Hi Palcouk, Thanks for your fast reply. Genevieve Cri Microsoft Agent. In reply to Matto62's post on October 25, Hi Matto62, We have noticed that your post has been idle for quite some time now. In reply to Genevieve Cri's post on November 1, Thanks for your continued support Matto.

In reply to Matto62's post on November 2, In reply to Genevieve Cri's post on November 5, Hi again, so I tried to Repair my Office installation. Ran successfully. No change … still hangs when exiting while being synced This is weird. I have seen this on Server , and now would be nice to have a 'fix' Microsoft, or at least a better message 'Shutting down Virtual Machine Management, please do not turn off your computer, this could take an extended amount of time'.

After about an hour of waiting and no reaction whatsoever i tried pinging all the VMs running on the stuck HyperV. I then tried to connect me to the server via RDP which worked like a charm. I manually shut the server down within it's own gui and just a few minutes later the HyperV was successfully rebooted.

Only had to restart the trolling VM in HyperV and everything was alife and kickin' again. May have been a fluke, still have to verify next time or better shut down the VMs beforhand anyway I have seen many users myself included experience this problem if the pagefile is on a different volume from the VM's boot volume with Windows Server as the OS running on the VM.

I'm not sure if that's consistent with your situation, but if it is, that could be the cause for your problem. For me, the fix filled with its own problems was to move the pagefile to the C drive on the VM.

After then it shut down properly every time. I have read that for many people, it was able to shut down properly with the pagefile on a different volume the first times, then stopped working after that. That's probably true in my case also, but I don't recall that part with certainty. In my case, I removed all the network cables from physical server and the server shutdown was quick.

Its not a solution, could be a work around for quick resrart. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more. Asked 3 years, 11 months ago. Modified 1 year, 5 months ago. Viewed 30k times. What's my best course of action here? Is it just to leave it or to force a restart? Improve this question. Ryan Ryan 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 6 6 bronze badges.

Have you tried shutting down the VMs manually? In any case, you could also try Windows System restore. Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. Leave it and it normally eventually shuts down nicely could be hours. Improve this answer.



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